U.S. Forest Service
Dispersed camping is permitted.
Pets must be under your control at all times.
Horseback riding is permitted on designated trails. Bring all needed supplies including water.
Hiking is permitted throughout the area.
Hunting is permitted in accordance with state laws and regulations. Check with the Nevada Department of Wildlife for information about licenses, regulations, closures, and seasons.
Motor vehicles are permitted on designated trails.
Be aware that some roads are closed seasonally or due to weather conditions.
Reference the Motor Vehicle Use Maps for exact regulations.
Mountain biking is on permitted on any official trail with the exceptions of trails in designated Wilderness.
Off-Highway Vehicles are permitted on designated trails.
Spark arresters are required!
Target shooting is permitted in many areas of the forest. Seasonal restrictions occur due to fire hazard. Check with the Ranger District office nearest to where you wish to visit before you shoot.