The western boundary of the Orocopia Mountains Wilderness is contiguous with the Mecca Hills Wilderness with the exception of the Meccacopia Jeep Trail, which bisects the two wilderness areas.
The forces of nature have produced a striking landscape here where open valleys, ridges and highly colorful and dramatically eroded canyons are the result of the region's proximity to the San Andreas fault system. Deep canyons and washes cut across the entire area, exposing walls of color shaded from bright red to black.
50,960 Acres
View in Trail Finder
Camping is permitted, limited to 14 days. After 14 days, campers must relocate at least 25 miles from previous site. Please set up camp in previously disturbed sites.
Pets are allowed and must be under your control at all times.
Horses are permitted. Bring all needed supplies including water.
Hiking is permitted throughout the wilderness area.
Hunting, fishing, and non-commercial trapping are allowed under state and local laws.
Shooting is permitted.
Please clean up your cartridges and target material.
Glass should not be used.
Clay pigeons are discouraged as they're difficult for the user to clean up all debris.
Regulations & Recommendations
Vehicles are not permitted in wilderness areas.
South Coast Field Office
1201 Bird Center Drive
Palm Springs, CA 92262