
Locus Map - Installation of MBTiles Map

Video Instructions

Text Instructions


  1. Download the CaliforniaTrailMap.mbtiles file onto your PC, Mac or Android device.
  2. Install Locus Map 4 (free) or Locus Map 3 Classic(recommended).
  3. Copy CaliforniaTrailMap.mbtiles to the \Locus\maps directory on your Android.
  4. Start Locus Map on your device.
  5. Locus map will initialize the newly added map.
  6. Go to Settings > Maps
  7. Select Offline
  8. Select California Trail Map

Localization Settings

Default units are metric.

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Select Languages & Units.
  3. Change Formats to Imperial - Feet, Miles, Fahrenheit, etc.


  • Copying the map file into the \Locus\maps directory can be done from a PC, Mac or with an Android File Manager app.
  • Ability to overlay a the map onto satellite imagery.
  • Paid version cost approx $8.
  • Free version includes advertisements and has less functionality.
  • Map directory can be changed to use memory card.

Updating A Map

  1. Close and Exit Locus Maps.
  2. Copy the updated map to the \Locus\maps directory on your Android device.

Locus Map - MBTiles Satellite Overlay

Video Instructions

Text Instructions

Extend Online Map Providers

This will add Google, ESRI, Bing and other sources to the list of online maps that can be used.

  1. Close Locus Maps
  2. Install Locus - addon Map Tweak (free).
  3. Start Locus Map Tweak
  4. Select Let's GO!!!
  5. Check all boxes.
  6. Select Tweak the MAPS!!!
  7. Select Exit!
  8. Start Locus Maps

Enable Map Overlay

This will allow you to view the trail map on top of other maps such as satellite imagery or topo.

  1. Select blue Map Content Tab
  2. Select Map Layers
  3. Select Map Overlays
  4. Enable Overlay
  5. Select a Transparent version of California Trail Map.
  6. Close the dialog box.
  7. Select a basemap to display under the transparent map.

Download Managers

Download the map faster and more reliably with a download manager.

Use the map on your Android device

California Trail Map is a map (not an app). Map are used in the app that you choose.

  • No Internet connection is required.
  • Transparent map can be overlaid onto satellite imagery.
  • Multiple map format options.

Mapsforge Vector

  • One click install.
  • 140 MB required for map.
  • 1.8 GB required for topo background.
  • Can be used with any app that supports Mapsforge offline maps.
  • Cartograph Pro can be used to view this format on a Mac or Windows PC.

App Options

Topo and satellite overlay require paid version of Locus Map.

California Trail Map Android app!

Subscriber Features

  • Installs the map into the supported apps.
  • Saves subscription information for future updates.
  • Notification when map updates become available.
  • Map legends.

Non-Subscriber Features

  • Installs a SAMPLE section of the map into the supported apps.
  • Map legends.

California Trail Map

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More Info

GPS capabilities are limited by device hardware. Some WiFi only devices do not provide location services unless connected to a WiFi hotspot.




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