Locus Map - Installation of MBTiles Map
- Download the CaliforniaTrailMap.mbtiles file onto your PC, Mac
or Android device.
- Install Locus Map 4 (free) or Locus Map 3 Classic(recommended).
- Copy CaliforniaTrailMap.mbtiles to the \Locus\maps
directory on your Android.
- Start Locus Map on your device.
- Locus map will initialize the newly added map.
- Go to Settings > Maps
- Select Offline
- Select California Trail Map
Default units are metric.
- Select Settings.
- Select Languages & Units.
- Change Formats to Imperial - Feet, Miles, Fahrenheit, etc.
- Copying the map file into the \Locus\maps directory can be done
from a PC, Mac or with an Android File Manager app.
- Ability to overlay a the map onto satellite imagery.
- Paid version cost approx $8.
- Free version includes advertisements and has less functionality.
- Map directory can be changed to use memory card.
- Close and Exit Locus Maps.
- Copy the updated map to the \Locus\maps directory on your Android device.
Locus Map - MBTiles Satellite Overlay
Extend Online Map Providers
This will add Google, ESRI, Bing and other sources to the list of online maps that
can be used.
- Close Locus Maps
- Install Locus - addon Map Tweak (free).
- Start Locus Map Tweak
- Select Let's GO!!!
- Check all boxes.
- Select Tweak the MAPS!!!
- Select Exit!
- Start Locus Maps
This will allow you to view the trail map on top of other maps such as satellite
imagery or topo.
- Select blue Map Content Tab
- Select Map Layers
- Select Map Overlays
- Enable Overlay
- Select a Transparent version of California Trail Map.
- Close the dialog box.
- Select a basemap to display under the transparent map.
Download the map faster and more reliably with a download manager.
Use the map on your Android device
California Trail Map is a map (not an app). Map are used in the app that you choose.
- No Internet connection is required.
- Transparent map can be overlaid onto satellite imagery.
- Multiple map format options.
- One click install.
- 140 MB required for map.
- 1.8 GB required for topo background.
- Can be used with any app that supports Mapsforge offline maps.
- Cartograph Pro can be used to view this format on a Mac or Windows PC.
App Options
Topo and satellite overlay require paid version of Locus Map.
California Trail Map Android app!
- Installs the map into the supported apps.
- Saves subscription information for future updates.
- Notification when map updates become available.
- Map legends.
- Installs a SAMPLE section of the map into the supported apps.
- Map legends.