Backpack or horseback camping is allowed throughout the park and along the lake shoreline except in developed areas. Camping is not permitted in restricted or ecologically-sensitive areas. The campsite must be at least 1/2 mile from any paved road and at least 100 feet from any spring or watering device. See the NPS website for more information on camping options.
Pets must be kept at all times on a leash not to exceed 6-feet in length and should not be left unattended.
Horses and pack animals may be ridden or used throughout the recreation area except in picnic areas and the locations specified on the NPS website.
Fishing license is required to fish.
Hiking is permitted throughout the park.
Hunting is allowed in some portions of the park.
Street legal vehicles are permitted on designated dirt roads. Approved roads are signed with a yellow arrow. The black number in the center of the arrow designates the road number. Driving on roads or trails not marked with the yellow arrow is prohibited.
Biking is permitted on park roads designated for bicycle use. Approved backcountry roads are designated routes and are marked with a yellow arrow sign with a number on it.